5 Ways to Discover Strength and Hope: Lessons from the Edge of Life

Are you at death’s door?

I've been reflecting a lot lately on my journey, especially the moments when I was at death's door. I wanted to share some of the profound lessons I've learned, hoping they might offer a glimmer of comfort or inspiration to someone out there who needs it right now.


Lessons from the Edge: Navigating Life's Depths and Finding Hope

5 Ways to Discover Strength and Hope

1. Strength in Vulnerability

  • It's okay not to have all the answers. In my weakest moments, I found strength in embracing vulnerability and reaching out for support. It's incredible how much love and understanding surround us when we allow ourselves to be seen.

  • I’ve always been an independent woman and this was very difficult for me but when I was hooked to machines for 9 days and hospitalized in a foreign country away from my community, I had to rely on support from new friends and even strangers.

2. Living in the Present

  • The future can be uncertain and, at times, downright scary. I learned the importance of living in the present, finding joy in small moments, and appreciating the beauty around me. It's amazing how much peace can be found by simply being present.

  • At one point, the doer in me was too busy creating a check list of things before I die - I almost forgot to enjoy my kids, my family and friends.

  • There are photos of me in the cardiac unit talking to doctors while still on zoom meetings with work. Just STOP. Be present. The people who love you, the people who matter, they are there in front of you.

3. Resilience Beyond Measure

  • We often underestimate our own resilience. Each day, every step forward, no matter how small, is a testament to our strength. Resilience isn't about avoiding hardships; it's about facing them head-on and emerging stronger on the other side.

  • You are stronger than you think!

4. Creating Connections

  • The support of friends and loved ones is a lifeline. Don't hesitate to lean on those around you. Sharing your story creates connections, and in turn, you become a source of strength for others facing their own battles.

  • It’s natural to want to keep your illness from people but when I shared my story, there was relief.

5. Finding Purpose

  • Even in the darkest moments, there's a unique purpose to our journey. Whether it's in our own personal growth or inspiring others, our experiences shape us into channels of hope and resilience.

  • Whatever happens to us is related to our journey and we are equipped with the power to handle it - its not pleasant for sure - but it means you are equipped. Say “I will become stronger and more powerful”.

  • The moment you overcome - you become a new channel in a way that you can influence a lot of people.

  • You go through hell and you come out and you can change lives.

  • Stay in the light and ask “What is the TRUTH here?”.

If you're going through a tough time right now, please know that you're not alone. Reach out, embrace the present, and hold onto the hope that each day brings. You are stronger than you realize.

Your story has the power to inspire.

Sending love and strength to anyone who needs it today.

In the mosaic of life, our darkest moments can become threads of resilience and hope. Embrace the journey, for within its challenges lies the transformative power to inspire and uplift not only ourselves but those who walk beside us. Today’s struggles are tomorrow’s sources of strength.

If you need direction, speak to a guide who can help you with your journey. Get LIT. Live Intentionally Today.

What now? Be ready to receive all the good coming your way. 


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