Join a community that will help you create a life you want.

Let’s dive into
the program

LIT is a proven framework to take you from sleepwalking through life to full of energy in 6 weeks.

The LIT Framework

  • Learn from the past

    Answer some questions for reflection to give you a baseline of where you are.

  • Be the best

    Cultivate your inner potential to make your life significant.

  • Focus on the future

    Manifest by articulating specifically what you want in life and identifying what stops you from getting there.

  • Take action

    Goals help align your focus and promote a sense of self-mastery.

  • Ignite

    Learn how to step into your new identity, tell your story and give yourself permission to live the life you want.

Online Program


Get LIT Life Design Program

High Performing Leaders Forum

6 Month Support : USD 9,000

Easy Payment Plan: USD 1,650/ month

Have you been thinking how to change your life in the last 10 years and you still haven’t done it? What if we can plan your life in the next 6 weeks so you wake up excited again?

Create the life + business you love.

Unlock your potential and transform your life in just 6 weeks

Vitamin CEO Continued Learning & Growth

Alumni Learning Program + Mastermind

6 Month Program: USD 6,000 save 1,200

Easy Payment Plan: USD 1,200/ month

Join our learning program to ensure you have a supportive tribe on your journey to become the best version of yourself in the new story you are writing.

Free introductory class!

June 30 and July 1 & 2, 2023

4-530 pm Pacific Standard Time (Vancouver)

This free MASTERCLASS shares our LIT framework. In 3 days you’ll learn how to:




If you can’t wait, sign up to listen to our free webinar

  • “I was at a loss and clueless about my path. Thanks to Eileen and the free workshop, I was able to identify what should be prioritized. From that framework, I reflected on a goal, searched for my best and created a vision I’d like to reach a few years from now. She encouraged us to write those down and helped me to ‘map’ them out. Months after, opportunities have opened up. Things I dreamed of is becoming my reality.”


Be the CEO of your most important business, your life.


All classes are in Pacific Standard Time (Vancouver)

Free 3-day Masterclass

Are you ready to Design Your Extraordinary Mid-Life
We will provide you with tools to inspire you to get your mojo back and live your best life with courage, confidence, clarity and focus.

June 30 and July 1 & 2, 2023

4-530 pm Pacific Standard Time (Vancouver)

Private Group Retreat

Our business is to provide you with the framework to inspire every member of your team to lead extraordinary lives with positivity and purpose.

3 day workshop USD 7500

3 hour workshop USD1800

You’re in Good Company

Frequently Asked Questions

  • The entire course is hosted on a learning platform. You can start anytime at your convenience. Once you start, attend the 6 live Q&A with Eileen. Once you enroll, you’ll receive a unique login to access all your content and bonuses.

  • The program takes you through the entire process of creating a life you want to live in.

    • Short actionable videos (6 modules) to guide you with the inner work.

    • 6 month self-discovery and transformation program.

    • Community support – unlimited questions on our private Facebook group..

    • Growth Forum with Eileen once a week for the first 6 weeks

    • Mastermind, Forum and learning sessions with the private group (2 Tuesdays every month)

    • Workbook and exercises.

    • Step 1: Take the course online and fill up worksheets for reflection.

    • Step 2: Attend the 6 New Student Forum Meetings on Thursdays. Option to attend Mastermind and Learnings every Tuesday.

    • Step 3: Invite an accountability partner to work with you and transform.

  • As soon as you enroll, you will receive an email to get your link to the platform; a workbook download; an invitation to join the private community group; and a zoom link for the weekly Q&A calls with Eileen.

  • The Mastermind Forum Meetings are held 2 Tuesdays 5-7pm (Pacific time).

    If you are a new student, attend the New Student Q&A on Thursdays.

  • It is beneficial (and optional) to join the first 6 weeks of Forum Meetings from the time you enroll in the program. This will help you stay on track.

    After that, it is an optional support for your transformation but you will find that attending this will rejuvenate you and help you stay accountable.

  • You will get invitations to learning sessions and free workshops.

    You can invite your team members to join our free masterclasses.

    • Learning

    • Reflection + Inner work

    • Community

    • Application + Action

    • Insight

    LIT is a surefire, proven program that has helped so many people.
    *We continue to get 5/5 reviews because of results created in their lives. See testimonials in our IG page.

  • Please book a discovery call or email me today at

  • LIT and VitaminCEO graduates can book Eileen at 25% off. Monthly Coaching is $4500 for (3 months minimum) less 25%.

    We accept consultations at $500/ hour less 25%

Want to get LIT?
Find out if you’re the right fit.