The Power of Purpose: How Discovering Your Purpose in Midlife Can Give You the Courage to Pursue What's Next

Courage to fulfillment

Answer the call to adventure in the next half of life.

Have you reached the “what’s next” stage in your life?
— Eileen Juan

Discovering your purpose in midlife

Have you reached the "what's next" stage in your life? Discovering your purpose in midlife can provide a powerful sense of direction, motivation, and fulfillment that can give you the courage to pursue your dreams. In this article, we explore the benefits of discovering your purpose and how it can help you overcome self-doubt, stay resilient in the face of challenges, and create a meaningful legacy. Don't let age hold you back - it's never too late to discover your purpose and pursue what's next!

Here are some ways discovering your purpose can give you courage:


  1. Clarity

When you discover your purpose, you have a clearer understanding of what you want to achieve and the direction you want to take in life. This clarity can help you overcome self-doubt and fear, and give you the confidence to pursue your goals.

2. Motivation

Your purpose can serve as a powerful motivator, giving you the drive to take action and move forward. When you have a sense of purpose, you are more likely to push through obstacles and challenges.

3. Resilience

Pursuing your purpose can be a long and challenging journey, but when you know why you are doing it, you are more likely to stay committed and resilient in the face of setbacks and failures.

4. Fulfillment

Pursuing your purpose can bring a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction, which can boost your overall well-being and happiness. This positive feedback loop can help you stay motivated and committed to your goals.

5. Legacy

Discovering your purpose can also give you a sense of legacy, the idea that your life and work have meaning beyond your own lifetime. This can provide a powerful sense of purpose and inspiration, giving you the courage to pursue what's next in midlife.

Discovering your purpose in midlife can have a profound impact on your life, helping you to live with more intention and meaning. It can give you the courage to pursue your dreams and overcome obstacles, leading to greater fulfillment and happiness.

As a successful retail executive with (then)15 years of experience under my belt, I had achieved a great deal of success and recognition in my career. However, despite my accomplishments, I felt like something was missing. I couldn't shake the feeling that there was a greater purpose waiting for me.

It took 5 more years of soul-searching and reflection. I realized that my true mission was to help people find their own true path in life. I had always enjoyed mentoring and coaching colleagues throughout my career, and now I knew that this was my true calling. It was not obvious at first as FEAR clouded my decision making. I took 6 months off from work for cancer treatment and it became more evident that I needed to investigate this bigger purpose. Then, the covid lockdown gave me the time to reflect but I was still crippled with "what if's" and of course, impostor syndrome. I continued to procrastinate until I was suddenly diagnosed with heart failure. My echo came back that my heart was functioning only at 20% EF. The idea that I might not exist in a year made it more urgent to create an action plan. I decided to create an online program that would help thousands of people even if I were not around anymore.

So, I made the decision to leave my familiar world and start my own coaching and mentoring business. I already had my professional diploma in counselling and my training with TEC Canada. I immersed myself in the study of coaching with Tony Robins, personal development with Joseph Shapiro, took a lot of workshops with EO (Entrepreneur's Organization), and began building a network of clients who were looking for guidance and support in finding their true path.

As I helped more and more people to discover their purpose and pursue their passions, I felt a deep sense of fulfillment that I had never experienced before. When they would give me feedback that their lives changed, I knew that I was making a positive impact on people's lives, and that my work was truly meaningful. This sense of purpose also gave me new life. My heart is getting stronger everyday.

It was not clear in the beginning how this will unfold but I took the first step and opportunities opened up. I look back on my decision to follow my mission with gratitude and pride. I am more fulfilled and satisfied than I ever thought possible, and I know that I am making a real difference in the world.

If you want to feel the power of your purpose, and see the importance of following your heart to find true happiness and fulfillment, give me a call and let's chat. I created a 6-week program that will be your roadmap as you navigate your mid 40s. I spent 5 years trying to figure this out but there's no need to be caught in the middle. I will be here to guide you through mid-life challenges and changes. My calendar link is on

I ask you to become the CEO of your most important business, your life. This will be one of the most gratifying and satisfying projects you can do for your Self today.

Get new tools about how to create the life you want after 40 every Friday. Download our free workbook or sign up for our free class so you end up on our mailing list. If you want daily micro lessons, follow us on IG @LITbyVitaminCEO.

Drop me a note and book a call if you want to chat more. I can’t wait to hear your story and help you create a new one.

When you find your WHY, you don’t hit snooze no more! You find a way to make it happen!
— Eric Thomas

Drop me a note if you want to chat more. I can’t wait to hear your story and help you create a new one.
Chat with me!


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