5 ways to create the life you want
How are you feeling?
Are you feeling blah like you could be doing so much more? Busy and “successful” but feeling kinda bored? When we were younger, life transitions were felt – graduating high school, going off to college, choosing a career, starting your first business, getting married, buying a new home, having your first child, failing in something, etc.
In my 40’s when the kids went off to boarding school and my business was 13 years old – I started searching. I didn’t know what I was looking for but I felt a calling. A calling to what? To do more? To be more? But I have everything I want. For 9 years I kept looking.
I went back to school, I followed a meditation master around the world for a few years, I went to ashrams, I joined a few boards, I went back to adventure sports, got all kinds of certifications. Luckily Covid put a stop to all this and made me really think.
No clear path
Transitions in mid-life are more subtle. There is no clear transition from this to that. There is a yearning to do more or be more but there is no clear path. Unlike the path that was clearly laid out for us when we were younger – school, job, marriage, home, child, etc.
So what now? What next?
Live intentionally
Start living a life of intentionality.
Don’t just maintain the status quo or go through the motions you are accustomed to. Be brave. It’s better to be uncertain than to be unhappy. Seek discomfort. Nothing grows in the comfort zone.
The problem is, most of my students have too many options – so they dont know which path to take. Because of the confusion and overwhelm, they decide to stay where it is comfortable – status quo.
5 ways to create a life you want
Get a guide who can show you the way to creating the life you want.
1. Good questions lead to good answers.
Get a journal and put the date today. Start reflecting on this question and keep writing your thoughts on a daily basis.
What would I do with my life if no one were to laugh and I was sure to succeed?
What would I do? Where would I live? What kind of partner will I have? What hobbies will I enjoy? How would I pass my time?
2. Find your best.
What am I best in the world at? What is unique to me and only me?
Ask your friends: What is it that you would come only to me for?
3. Follow your excitement.
Stop doing things that drain you. Outsource anything that you procrastinate.
Start following what it is you are deeply passionate about.
4. Focus on your Future.
Rewrite your vision. Dream on. This time use a 3-year period so it is so close, you can almost touch it. Create a visual of your future by cutting out photos that make you feel something. Post it on a board. Can you see your future? All good things are already coming your way.
5. Take action.
Work on yourself so you can match the frequency of what you are trying to attract.
Write 3 specific goals that are measurable and time related that will lead you closer to your dreams.
Work on it everyday.
“Live with Intention today and start to feel your energy flowing. Life should be lived with ease and flow.”
If you need direction, speak to a guide who can help you with your journey. Take life seriously and get LIT. Live Intentionally Today.
What now? Be ready to receive all the good coming your way.