5 ways to figure out who you are today

It took a whole decade to find me. At 41, I found myself a single mom, and an empty nester.

I found life stale.

While the business was growing, I did not know my deep passion and  strengths. Somehow my self-discovery at 25 felt outdated and expired. I see the buzzing excitement in the opportunities my young employees had while they were “adulting” – getting promotions, finding their purpose, following their strengths – but I was lost.

Authenticity is important to me but I could not figure out who I was.

As an entrepreneur, the go to when “searching” is travel or starting a new business. Do I have the energy to start a new business? What do I start? That means more work. And what if it fails? What if it’s not as good as the first? So I travelled a lot. 20 cities and 13 countries spread out every 3 weeks in 2019. Definitely, that did not bring me closer to my answers.

I turned 50 during covid – March 2020. With the forced closure of my business I had to face my reinvention. Something I would have never done when I had the security of my businesses. Without a roadmap, it felt like I was going in circles in a dark forest.

If I knew then what I know now.

5 Ways to Figure Out Who You Are Today


Define what you value

We created a manifesto for the family and that highlighted what I believed in for myself. Through a series of questions, we chose common answers: It is important to me that we serve others, eat clean, be curious, be a life long learner, do something that scares us, always do good, etc.

DREAM the life you want

A vivid vision always excited me. It’s like a genie comes out of a bottle and asks you to name the things you want. I knew I wanted to live in Canada, be near nature always, to help people figure out their own path so they can serve humanity and make a dent in the world.

Allow your Self to change

What got you here won’t get you there. What used to work for you may not be what you need now. Explore other strengths. Even your purpose can evolve. Challenge your self-image. Step into the person that you want to be even before you become that person.


Relocating to a new city supported my goals. While that may not be possible for many, changing the tribe you hang out with will start the change. Uprooting your self from your own idea of who you are is a challenge too. Make sure you are clear about what former labels you had. There is a rift between who you are and who you think you are.


Our beliefs create our reality. When we have false or limited beliefs, we fail in creating the reality we want. You need to believe that your vision is possible. You may only see obstacles now but once your vision is clear, a mechanism will appear. I did not know how I can live near nature and work with entrepreneurs, I did not know how it could be possible to live in a new country, I did not know I can reinvent myself and leave my old life. The changes are subtle over time.

Who you were then is not who you are now.

If you are looking to figure out who you are, it’s time to get started.
Chat with me!

Audrey Thizy

Squarespace web designer who helps artists, creatives, and passionate business owners worldwide build distinctive online presences that showcase their talents and drive their success.


3 ways to discover your calling


5 ways to create the life you want