3 ways to discover your calling
The Calling is an urgent invitation to
follow our true path.
Believe it or not, I went to Theology School. I wrote a paper on The Calling because I was deeply fascinated with the topic. I gobbled up books I could get a hold of and studies that have been published. Little did I know that my life from my early 20’s to today will be about answering the invitation to my Soul’s journey. I just kept following every opportunity. I said YES to life and said no to everything that was not in line with my path.
For those who don’t believe in God, maybe you have been looking for your purpose. I think we get called to do stuff, so that we can fulfill our purpose. Purpose is the reason why we exist – the reason we we mere made.
My calling at this time in my life is to help midlife entrepreneurs rediscover their joy so they can get excited about life again. My purpose: I inspire others to follow their true path by recognizing their gifts.
When clients say they know their purpose but they are not fulfilled – I ask “how are you practicing that purpose”? You need to be mindful and aware of the calling at this stage in your life. When you have already “done the work”, you need to move on to the next.
3 Ways to Discover Your Calling
Say Yes to every opportunity that will help you grow – even if it feels scary, uncertain and new. Seek discomfort. This usually means going out of your comfort zone. Say no to anything that does not lead you to your vision or does not support your values.
Listen. Set aside time for meditation. Get in touch with your inner wisdom. What is it whispering in your ear? Start with 10 minutes a day, then 20, then 40.
Be aware of what is different around you. I see signs as angels’ guiding messages to keep me on purpose. They come in the form of serendipity, synchronicity open roads, etc.
The Heroes Journey
This is your Soul’s journey. You must get a guide. A guide will help you finish your quest. as you journey into the unknown. She will help you get in touch with your inner wisdom and provide counsel along the way. There will be villains and a dark abyss – but there will soon be transformation and rebirth.